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Fluorite Bundle

Regular price $60.00 USD
Regular price $80.00 USD Sale price $60.00 USD
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Fluorite is a halide mineral with chemical formula is calcium fluoride (CaF2). Also called fluorspar. It is usually quite pure, but as much as 20 percent yttrium or cerium may replace calcium. Fluorite occurs most commonly as a glassy, many-hued vein mineral and is often associated with lead and silver ores; it also occurs in cavities, in sedimentary rocks, in pegmatites, and in hot-spring areas

An important industrial mineral. Fluorite commonly occurs as vibrant, well-formed crystals. A single crystal may have zones of different colors that follow the contour of the crystal faces. Fluorite crystals are widely found in cubes, while fluorite octahedra which are often twinned are much less common. The mineral can also be massive, granular, or compact. Fluorite occurs in hydrothermal deposits and as an accessory mineral in intermediate intrusive and silica-rich rocks. It is used in the manufacture of high-octane fuels and steel and in the production of hydrofluoric acid.


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