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Carnelian and Vanadinite bundle

Regular price $85.00 USD
Regular price $114.00 USD Sale price $85.00 USD
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his is a variety of Chalcedony which, in turn, is a form of Agate. It is a very highly evolved mineral healer. It is said to energize the blood; aid the kidneys, lungs, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, and tissue regeneration. Also said to vitalize the physical/ emotional/ mental bodies while aligning the physical and etheric bodies: enhances attunement with the inner self; facilitates concentration; and opens the heart. This is a warm, social and joyous stone working with the root and the sacral chakras. This is also said to help with self-esteem, fears, angers, hidden emotions and sexual problems. It is often carried as a talisman stone.



Crystal Healing, Mineralogy, and History


Published June 2017  •  Updated July 2022  •  Read Time: 7 minutes
Vanadinite is a rare bright orange phosphate mineral.  It is sometimes mined as an ore for Vanadium, a metal used to strengthen steel, which is almost always found compounded in minerals, rather than free-forming.  The Vanadinite sold in the collector’s market is mined on a small-scale specifically for its beauty.  Because it is very soft and fragile, it is usually left in its natural state rather than being polished.  Vanadinite is closely associated with Freya, the Norse Goddess of love and beauty, which is usually depicted as having bright red hair. Vanadinite urges us to take action about the topics that matter most to us.  It is a wonderful stone for activists and dreamers.



Spiritual Healing Properties

Vanadinite calls on us to put our spirit into action! It invites us to do something about the topics which leave deep impressions on our heart and mind. It shows us that we are not helpless and reminds us that the spiritual and earthly worlds are closely connected. Vanadinite gives us stamina and grounding so we can pursue our spiritual work. It helps us to clearly define our goals and the actions needed to achieve them. Vanadinite also teases us not to take ourselves too seriously. It invites us to enjoy the journey, to see the beauty of the present moment and to sense the humanity inside all people. Vanadinite magnifies elemental energy gifts, including weather sensitivity and the ability to sense lay lines, vortexes and other earth energy. It likewise increases our ability to feel and direct energy in the physical body. When working on our ourselves, Vanadinite helps to open the energy channels inside us so that they can be cleansed and realigned. It also helps us to empty our mind during meditation and be more receptive to messages during prayer. When healing others, Vanadinite provides healers with grounding and support so that we don’t exhaust ourselves or give too much. Vanadinite is also an excellent stone for anyone who need to curb over-spending and be more thrifty. Vanadinite is attuned to the Root (1st), Sacral (2nd), Solar Plexus (3rd) and Third Eye (6th) Chakras and linked to the astrological sign of Virgo. It is connected to the element of Fire and vibrates to the numbers 9.

Metaphysical Properties Vanadinite
Chakra Root (1st), Sacral (2nd), Solar Plexus (3rd) and Third Eye (6th)
Element Fire
Numerology 9
Zodiac Virgo

Emotional Healing Properties

Vanadinite has a very playful and highly creative energy that encourages us to think outside the box and be bold. It invites us to be more adventurous and be more comfortable with risk. It facilitates a childlike sense of wonder and trust in the world. At the same time, Vanadinite reminds us to use common sense and be aware of consequences. Vanadinite is especially useful for helping us to break free from the expectations of others and to be true to ourselves. It helps us recognize our own beauty and gifts. Vanadinite is a valuable ally for exploring self-love and self-acceptance. Rather than focusing on compassion, forgiveness and unconditional love, Vanadinite helps us to see where we are already good and don’t need improvement. It helps us to truly LIKE ourselves and that in turn creates a solid emotional foundation on which self-love can easily grow. Vanadinite magnifies our ability to feel truly happy and content.

Vanadinite encourages us to ask questions, rather than simply accept the way things are. It helps us to think clearly and constructively as well as to organize effectively. Vanadinite helps us to define our actual goals and priorities and to actively work towards them. It helps us to keep the big picture in mind and fights against boredom during long workdays. Vanadinite is a wonderful stone to work with whenever we have a big project with a deadline. It provides endurance, persistence and creativity so that we can finish the project as quickly as possible and/or stay on schedule. Vanadinite is also useful for artists, writers and other creatives who need to complete their projects, even if there isn’t a clear deadline.



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